Toys are fun and they are an important part of childhood development. With thousands of toys entering the market on a daily basis, consumers need to be confident that the toys they are purchasing are safe. Toy safety is highly regulated and toy safety standards all round the world are constantly changing in both emerging and matured markets. Many countries have established their own toy safety standards that toy manufacturers, retailers and importers must comply with before market entry can be permitted. Additionally, companies have been held liable for injuries or fatalities associated with unsafe toys resulting in costly product recalls, lawsuits, and damages to brand image and brand reputation.
At STC, our toy safety specialists have in depth knowledge about the latest industry standards and regulatory requirements. Our toy testing capabilities follows international toy safety standards and is recognized by accreditation bodies such as CMA, CNAS & CNCA (China), PJLA & CPSC (United States), DAkkS (Germany), VILAS (Vietnam), HKAS – HOKLAS (Hong Kong), and MHLW, JTA & CPSA (Japan). From product safety and performance testing to transportation testing and pre-shipment inspection, STC offers a one-stop solution for all your toy testing needs.
Our comprehensive Toy Safety Testing services include:
Compliance Testing to National Standards
Safety Testing
Abuse Testing
Heavy Elements Testing
For more information about our Toys services, please feel free to Contact Us.